The Luminary Award
2025 Nomination Extended Deadline: Friday, November 26, 2024
The NCA Luminary Award is inspired by the definition of “luminary” as a person who inspires or influences others, especially one prominent in a particular sphere
It is NCA’s highest recognition for an individual whose extraordinary and groundbreaking contribution(s) has been a driving force of positive change and has had a significant, profound, and lasting impact on the coffee community.
The NCA Luminary Award is selected not on an annual basis, but rather in recognition of an individual whose contributions are deserving of this exceptional honor.
The NCA Luminary Award takes the place of the NCA Lifetime Achievement Award, the previous winners of which can be found below.
Nomination Process
All NCA members are welcome to submit a nomination.
Nominee must have made an extraordinary, groundbreaking, and game-changing contribution that has been a driving force of positive change and has had a significant, profound, and lasting impact on the coffee community.
Please review the
Terms & Conditions
for info on eligibility criteria and the nomination process for the NCA Luminary Award.
See NCA Luminary Award Eligibility and Nomination Requirements
Questions: Contact Terri Bartlett, Director of Member Relations at or at 646-924-4039.
Past Winners of the Award (formerly known as the NCA Lifetime Achievement Award):
NCA Lifetime Achievement Award
Alan Leviton, M.D.
Harvard Medical School, Professor of Neurology
Boston Children’s Hospital, Director of Neuroepidemiology
Howard Schultz
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
The Starbucks Coffee Company