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Companies from across the U.S. coffee* industry—from crop to cup—reap the benefits of NCA membership. *“Coffee” shall refer to the seeds of the berries harvested from species of Coffea plants.
To Join NCA:
NCA membership is annual and runs from January 1 to December 31, 2025. NCA member benefits are available to all full-time employees.
If you have questions or need assistance, contact Terri Bartlett, director of member relations.
Any business entity that sells or purchases, or causes to be sold or purchased, or is party to the sale of coffee in any form requiring further processing prior to consumer use, provided that the business entity or any of its related business entities do not roast coffee.
Join/Renew as a Trader/Broker, Non-Importing Agent Member
Join/Renew as a Trader/Importer, Importing Agents Member
Join/Renew as a Trader - Non U.S. Traders Member
Any business entity that sells coffee or coffee based beverages in any form, (including roast, soluble, concentrates, or hot, cold or ready to drink beverages) directly to consumers, through a physical setting, (i.e., brick and mortar stores, kiosks, or mobile trucks/carts), provided that the business entity is not a coffee roaster or trader. Dues shall be based on the number of retail locations in the United States.
Join/Renew as a By-The-Cup/Packaged Retailer Member
Any business entity that sells coffee or coffee based beverages in any form, (including roast, soluble, concentrates, or hot, cold or ready to drink beverages) directly to consumers, exclusively through ecommerce (i.e., online stores or mobile apps), provided that the business entity is not a coffee roaster or trader. Dues shall be based on the total U.S. Coffee Related Sales as reported in the business entity’s most recent fiscal year.
Join/Renew as an Ecommerce Retailer Member
"Grower” shall be (i) business entities that grow coffee, provided that the business entity does not, in any significant quantity, export, import, roast or sell coffee in any form at the retail level, (ii) “grower cooperatives” that have been formed by individual growers or a group of growers for the purposes, among other things, of growing, processing, and facilitating the sale of green coffee.
Join/Renew as a Grower Member
Any business entity that sells coffee or coffee based beverages in any form (including roast, soluble, concentrates, or ready to drink beverages) either as a wholesaler or distributor, provided that the entity is not a coffee trader or roaster.
Join/Renew as a Wholesaler/Distributor Member
Any business entity that roasts green coffee or manufactures extracts, soluble coffee, concentrates or consumer coffee beverages, such as ready-to-drink coffee products. Entities that roast incidental amounts of coffee for sampling, testing, or other purposes shall not be classified as “Roasters/Manufacturers” solely on the basis of that incidental roasting as determined by the NCA. Roasters processing over 1 million bags annually shall be classified as either (a) contract/toll roasters, or (b) non-contract/non-toll roasters. Contract/Toll Roasters are those organizations who roast at least 65% of their overall annual volume as contract/toll work for third parties (vs. for their own or affiliated brands). as a general matter, contract/toll manufacturing is understood to be an arrangement between unrelated parties whereunder the contract/toll manufacturer is sourcing, roasting, grinding and/or packaging coffee on behalf of a third party.
Join/Renew as a Roaster/Manufacturer Member
Non-profit organizations with 501(c)(3) IRS status or its international equivalent, and non-governmental organizations that are engaged in activities related to the coffee industry.
Join/Renew as a Non-Profit Member
Please contact us for details.
All businesses not otherwise covered in any of the membership categories above, including include, but not necessarily be limited to, mills, warehouses, packers, shipping lines, ports, banking and financial services, machinery and parts, and paper goods and supplies.
The NCA Board of Directors may also make Allied membership available to other persons, partnerships or corporations performing a special service to the coffee industry.
Join or Renew as an Allied Member
View the NCA Member List
About the NCA
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Please contact the NCA and a member of our staff will get back to you as soon as possible.