The NCA Guide to Coffee & Cannabis
Are you chronically confused about CBD, cannabis, and what it could mean for your coffee business?
CBD (or cannabidiol) and cannabis has become wildly popular in health and wellness – almost overnight. Combined with consumers' growing appetite for customizing their coffee with additives, more companies are taking a hit of this flowering trend.
But there's still a lot of gray area in "green" coffee.
From science and health to rapidly-changing regulations, the NCA is compiling a resource guide to CBD and cannabis for the coffee industry. Check out the resources below for the latest buzz.
Note: In November 2019, the FDA released a revised
Consumer Update titled “
You Need to Know (And What We’re Working to Find Out) About Products Containing
Cannabis or Cannabis-derived Compounds, Including CBD
” and sent 15
warning letters
to online purveyors of CBD-based products that were
operating illegally, placing consumer safety at risk. The fifteen recipients
were alleged to have violated the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act through
unlawful branding, marketing and advertisements of CBD-based products. To learn
more about evolving regulations in the U.S. and Canada, see the “Resources”
section below.
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