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Pre-recorded NCA FSVP Toolkit overview



Pre-Recorded Foreign Supplier Verification Program (FSVP) Session


This session is available to NCA Members only. Interested in membership?

This in-depth virtual session provides coffee industry guidance on FDA’s Foreign Supplier Verification Program (FSVP), part of the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA). Topics covered include:

  • Overview of FSVP and its requirements
  • Conducting a Hazard Analysis
  • Foreign Supplier Evaluation
  • Verification activities, corrective actions, and recordkeeping requirements

The virtual session is hosted by FSVP expert Scott Hawks, who has worked in the food industry for over 30+ years, including helping coffee companies develop and implement FSVP plans for imported green coffee. Dr. Mark Corey, NCA’s resident regulatory guru, moderates the session.

Dr. Mark Corey is Director of Scientific & Regulatory Affairs at the National Coffee Association. Dr. Corey oversees technical and advocacy issues on coffee science, regulation, food safety, and health and maintains extensive relationships with partners in industry, academia, government, and NGOs.

Scott Hawks is a Senior Consultant with ToxStrategies. He is a Food Scientist with more than 30 years of hands-on experience in various facets of food product development, manufacturing, regulatory compliance, import and export regulations, and quality, both domestically and internationally.

NCA resources are for members only. We ask that you not share the resources in this workshop outside of your company. It's your membership dues that enable us to continue serving you with free-to-member resources.

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