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Coffee Supply and Demand:
From Origin to the US Consumer

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Arabica coffee prices are down by over 13% since the start of June (to 5 July) 2018, with arabicas now trading below cost of production in most producing countries. But has the fundamental picture changed? Are we expecting an overwhelming surplus or is it just an effect of a weak Brazilian real that coincides with a record crop in Brazil? Will US imports change in the light of a huge availability of Brazilian beans?

Meanwhile, we see constant growth and change in coffee demand, with the US leading the way. We see an increase in bean-to-cup machines, a large increase in dollar sales and further consolidation in the industry, among other trends.

    This webinar will provide:
  • An overview of global supply/demand
  • Currency influence and price direction
  • Current trends for supply into the US
  • Overview of the US market - what styles & channels are growing and expected to grow most in next 5 years
  • Main consumer trends across beverages, and how are those influencing the coffee market.
James Watson, Senior Analyst, Food & Agribusiness Research and Advisory, Rabobank
James Watson

James Watson is a Senior Analyst in Rabobank’s Food & Agribusiness Research and Advisory group covering coffee and the North American non-alcoholic beverages sector, based in New York. Prior to joining Rabobank, Jim spent ten years as an equity research analyst at HSBC covering the global beverages industry. While at HSBC, he focused strategic and thematic issues affecting the entire sector, especially industry consolidation and emerging consumer trends.

Carlos Mera, Senior Commodity Analyst, AgriCommodity Markets Research, Rabobank
Carlos Mera

Carlos Mera is a senior commodity analyst at Agri Commodity Markets Research (ACMR) in London, focused on coffee market analysis. He is responsible for writing market reports, carrying a global coffee supply/demand balance sheet and developing Rabobank’s coffee price forecast and views.

Carlos joined Rabobank’s Agri Commodity Market Research team in January 2015 as a senior commodity analyst, having spent over seven years at Neumann Kaffee Gruppe, arguably the largest coffee trading company in the world. Carlos has visited over a thousand coffee farms in Brazil, Colombia and Vietnam and is an experienced crop forecaster.

For additional information or questions please contact Matthew Cariani at mcariani@ncausa.org

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