If you could get credible intelligence warning you why a prospective location was going to be less profitable than your other options, wouldn’t you want to know that before you locked yourself into a lease? If you could get age-cohort surveys and social media posts by coffee consumers in the local neighborhood explaining what they liked and disliked about an out-of-home coffee experience, wouldn’t you want to have that before you spent a lot of time and money on your menu and build-out?
This webinar will highlight the benefits of mapping your marketplace. Attendees will be instructed on how to find and use the necessary tools and data to be successful. Robert Aguirre of Aguirre Coffee will use a case study developed for the City of Seattle, which contains almost a thousand coffee shops competing for the out-of-home coffee consumer market.
By the end of the webinar attendees will:
- See a step-by-step demonstration on how a coffee business can find customer data and map target markets including competitors for those same markets, plus a look at future applications using social media data.
- Understand the benefits of mapping your market, including knowing when to go with your well-honed instincts and when to listen to the data, particularly when the data does not confirm your beliefs.
- Feel prepared to roll up your sleeves, no matter what your level of expertise with data, and start doing some hands-on learning about mapping coffee consumers in your market.
Dr. Robert Aguirre, Aguirre Coffee

Robert Aguirre has been doing applied research and development in geospatial analysis and location intelligence for over 19 years. Before developing an in-house location intelligence capability for Aguirre Coffee Co., Robert earned a PhD in Geography from Louisiana State University, developed geospatial applications at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) in Washington D.C. and Seattle, published research funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF), and most recently taught in the Master of GIS for Sustainability Management Program at the University of Washington.
For additional information or questions please contact Matthew Cariani at mcariani@ncausa.org