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The Strengthening Organic Enforcement Rule and its Impact on the Coffee Sector

NCA Member Only Access
Webinar Recording   Presentation Slides

The Strengthening Organic Enforcement (SOE) rule published on January 18th of 2023 is a significant piece of organic rulemaking that aims to increase organic integrity across the supply chain. This rule has far reaching impact in the coffee sector, especially on coffee brokers and traders as well as exporters and importers.

In this webinar certification experts from Quality Assurance International will walk through the key impacts of this new regulation to the domestic and international coffee trade.

This webinar will highlight:

  • SOE scope and implementation timeline
  • New requirements for coffee brokers and traders
  • What this may mean for organizations exporting and/or importing to the U.S.
  • New non-retail label requirements
  • Import Certificate requirements
  • Supply chain audit trail and fraud prevention in the coffee industry



Mabell Rivas, Technical Manager, Quality Assurance International (QAI)

Mabell and her team provides technical review decisions for QAI organic certification services. Mabell is also the technical team liaison for the QAI organic certification services provided through the NSF office in Mexico. Additionally, she is a member of the OMRI Mexico LPO Materials Review Panel.

Mabell’s career has included roles in regulatory compliance/organic food certification, the coffee industry, and international trade/logistics. Her involvement in organic food certification began in 1998, managing and growing a Latin American branch of an international certifier and serving on the committee that created the Nicaraguan organic rule. Mabell’s international export experience includes working in the Traffic Department of a large coffee exporter in her native Nicaragua, as well as coordinating US food exports to South America.


Roxanne Beavers, Senior Technical Reviewer, Quality Assurance International (QAI)

Roxanne previously worked as an organic inspector (organic and fairtrade) and has a Master’s in agriculture from Dalhousie University with the Organic Agriculture Center of Canada. Roxanne has been involved in the development of the Canadian Organic Standards as a member of the Review Committee for over 10 years. Roxanne is currently the chair of the Organic Material Review Institute (OMRI) Board of Directors.

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