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The Single-Cup Format: In Pod We Trust 2.0

We hope you enjoy this complimentary on-demand NCA webinar from the NCA. For more free educational programming and other valuable benefits,  learn more about NCA membership.

In 2015, slightly more than one quarter of U.S. households own a single cup brewer (27%). Single-cup brewers are the second most popular method of preparation among daily coffee drinkers, after traditional drip brewers. (Source: National Drinking Trends 2015)

This sustained growth in ownership shows the potential for single-cup brewing systems to fundamentally alter coffee preparation habits. Emerging product innovations and shifting consumer habits will dictate the ongoing evolution within this segment.

This webinar will explore the recent trends in the U.S. single-cup coffee market and insights on the impact that pods and capsules are having on coffee consumption around the world.

You will learn:
  • The status of the global coffee market
  • Current trends in the U.S. pod market
  • Who the major players are in the U.S. and abroad
  • Where potential opportunities exist in single-cup
  • Future predictions

This webinar will also refer to data and analysis from The Single-Cup Format 2015.

Watch On-Demand Now

Single-Cup Format Webinar Presentation Slides [PDF] (NCA Members Only)

For additional information or questions please contact Matthew Cariani at mcariani@ncausa.org



Ross Colbert, Managing Director and Global Strategist for Beverages, Rabobank Group
 Ross Colbert

Ross Colbert is responsible for developing Rabobank’s global view and research coverage on the beverage sector. Rabobank’s Food & Agribusiness Research & Advisory (“FAR”) group provides information and analysis covering all of the major sectors throughout the food chain.

Colbert joined Rabobank in 2011 following an extensive career in the beverage industry. Most recently he was Managing Director of M&A Americas for Zenith International, which is one of the world’s leading consulting, market intelligence and financial advisory firms focused on the global food and beverage industry. Prior to that, he was Managing Director and Chief Operating Officer for eight years at Beverage Marketing Corporation, Over his career he has served as an advisor to Pepsico, The Coca-Cola Company, Heineken, Nestle Waters, as well as many independent, beverage companies and private equity investors

Ross is a graduate of the University of Hawaii and has completed executive programs at University of Pennsylvania, Wharton School and Harvard Business School.

NCA Webinar Sponsored By


"The world’s largest private label producer of single-serve coffee capsules"