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U.S. Coffee Outlook 2025

NCA Member Only Access
Webinar Recording   Presentation Slides

This webinar dives into the U.S. coffee landscape for 2025, including forecast projections for the key categories of coffee and a look at the consumer trends that will shape the year. These will include the continuing struggle with high prices, an evolving wellness landscape, and shifts in foodservice.



Matthew Barry, Insight Manager, Food & Beverage Americas, Euromonitor International

Matthew Barry is an Insight Manager at Euromonitor International, specializing in food and beverages products with a particular focus on hot beverages. His analysis of the industry is often shared in business and trade press, including The Wall Street Journal, The Economist, and The New York Times, and he has presented on coffee trends to the International Coffee Organization, the National Coffee Association (USA), the Coffee Association of Canada, ENCAFE (Brazil) and SINTERCAFE (Costa Rica). He holds a bachelor’s degree from Knox College and a master’s degree from Harvard University’s Extension School.