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NCA Member List

Our network of members from across the coffee supply chain empowers and informs everything we do for the industry. You're invited to take a seat at the table and join our growing community of coffee professionals. Discover the benefits of joining the NCA today.

NCA is a trade association that advocates on behalf of the industry and provides members with education, networking, and community. If you have a question about an NCA member organization or the products they offer, please contact the organization directly.


Amcor Flexibles North America
American Instants, Inc.
American Packaging Corp.
Bank of America - BofA Securities, Inc.
Beck Flavors
BMO Bank
Brauner International Corp.
Brown Brothers Harriman & Co.
Cadeco Industries, Inc.
Can Corporation of America Inc.
Commodity Sampler Services LLC
Commodity Supplies Inc.
Continental Terminals, Inc.
CR3-Kaffeeveredelung M. Hermsen GmbH
Curtis - SEB Professional
Danone North America
Demus S.P.A.
Diedrich Roasters, LLC
East Bay Logistics, Inc.
Eurofins Analytical Laboratories
Evoca North America
Filko LLC
Flavor & Fragrance Specialties
Flavor Development Corp.
Flavor Dynamics Inc.
Fogg Filler
Franke Coffee Systems North America
Fres-co System USA, Inc.
Global Grounds
Hartley Transportation, LLC
Hood Packaging Corporation
ICE Futures U.S., Inc.
iFill Systems
IMA Coffee North America
International Coffee Consulting
Invensoft Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
Jefferies, LLC
MANE Flavors North America
Monin Gourmet Flavorings
National DCP, LLC
Neuhaus Neotec
Newell Brands
Odeon Capital Group LLC
Pacific Foods of Oregon, LLC
Pacorini Group
Paris Brothers, Inc.
Plitek, LLC
Pod Pack International, LLC
QUSAC Decaf Inc.
Rabobank Group
RPM Group Inc.
Rychiger NA
Scolari Engineering S.p.A.
Service Ideas
StoneX Financial Inc. – FCM Division
Sunny Sky Products
Syntegon Technology GmbH
The Dupuy Group
TricorBraun Flex
US Roaster Corp.
Wells Fargo Bank
Worldwide Logistics


Asociación de Exportadores de Café de Honduras (ADECAFEH)
Coffee Association of Canada
Swiss Coffee Trade Association (SCTA)

By-The-Cup/Packaged Retailers

Caribou Coffee Operating Co., Inc.
CC's Coffee House
International Coffee & Tea, LLC
Royal Aloha Coffee Company
SweetWater Café

Ecommerce Retailers

Drunk Desi Imports
Moniray, LLC dba Grata Imports
Purity Coffee
Tea Forté
The Quarry Shop


Fazenda de Lagarto Azul
Greenwell Farms, Inc.
Onyx Coffee
Rajuanse Estates


W. C. Hay Coffee Consulting LLC


Coffee Quality Institute (CQI)
Conservation International
Fair Trade USA
Fairtrade America
Native Global Ministry, Inc.
Rainforest Alliance


Apffels Fine Coffees, Inc.
Apres Beverages – Cask & Kettle
Baronet Coffee, Inc.
Beans & Brews Coffeehouse
Black Rifle Coffee Company
Blue Mist Coffee Roasters
Brew North Roasters
Buunni Coffee
Cadillac Coffee Co.
Café Tostado de Exportación, S.A. de C.V. (CATOEX)
CCL Products (India) Ltd.
Challain Inc. dba Dancing Goats Coffee
Charleston Coffee Roasters, Inc.
Chauvin Coffee
Club Coffee L.P.
Coffee Roasters of Arizona
Coffee Support Co.
Colcafé S.A.S.
Community Coffee Company
Compass Coffee Roasting
Copper Moon Coffee
Crimson Cup Coffee & Tea
Death Wish Coffee Company
DeCoty Coffee Company, Inc.
deLima Coffee
Denim Coffee Company
Dillanos Coffee Roasters
Diplomat Coffee LLC
Door County Coffee & Tea
Dutch Bros Coffee
Eight O'Clock Coffee Company
Ellis Coffee Company
Etrusca Comercial S.A. de C.V.
Excellent Coffee Company
Fara Coffee
Farmer Bros. Co.
FedUp Foods
Fidalgo Coffee Roasters
Florida Food Products
Gaviña Coffee Company
Goodson Bros Coffee Company, Inc.
Industrias Marino, S.A. de C.V.
Interstate Gourmet Coffee Roasters, Inc., D/B/A Boston’s Best Coffee Roasters
James Oliver Coffee
Joffrey's Coffee & Tea Company
Kaffé Magnum Opus
Keurig Dr Pepper Inc.
Kruger North America, Inc.
La Colombe Coffee Roasters
La Prima Espresso Co.
Lacas Coffee Co.
Lavazza North America, Inc.
Lighthouse Roasters
Magnum Coffee Roastery
Massimo Zanetti Beverage USA
Mayorga Organics, LLC
Melitta North America
Metropolis Coffee Company
Mother Parkers Tea & Coffee Inc.
Mountanos Family Coffee & Tea
Neighbors Coffee
Nestlé Coffee Partners
New Mexico Piñon Coffee
New Orleans Roast LLC
Orleans Coffee
Paramount Coffee Company
Peace Coffee
Peet's Coffee
Philz Coffee
Puerto Rico Coffee Roasters
QTrade Teas & Botanicals
Raven's Brew Coffee, Inc.
Red Diamond, Inc.
Reily Foods Company
Rodmac International Co./DBA/Rodmac Coffee Co.
Rogers Family Coffee
Ronnoco Coffee LLC
Royal Cup Coffee and Tea
S.J. McCullagh, Inc.
Scooter's Coffee
Silver Comet LLC
Starbucks Coffee Company
Stockton Graham & Co./Dilworth Coffee
Tchibo GmbH
Temecula Coffee Roasters
The Coca-Cola Company
The J.M. Smucker Company
The Mill Inc.
Tim Hortons
Tradition Coffee Roasters
Treasure Valley Coffee Inc.
TreeHouse Foods, Inc.
Trilliant Food & Nutrition
True Spice Co.
Twin Valley Coffee
U3 Coffee
Vittoria Coffee Pty Ltd.
Westrock Coffee Company, LLC
White Coffee Corporation
World of Coffee
Zaza Coffee

Trade(r) - Non U.S. Traders

Bicafe Group
Bon Cafe SA
Cafiver, S.A. De C.V.
Cargill International S.A.
Coffein Compagnie GmbH & Co. KG
Cooperativa Regional de Cafeicultores em Guaxupé Ltda. (Cooxupé)
Descafeinadores Mexicanos S.A. de C.V.
Falcon Coffees Ltd.
Galguera Gomez S.A de C.V.
I. & M. Smith (Pty) Ltd.
Panamerican Coffee Trading LLC
Panfoods Co. Ltd – IGC (Iguaçu Coffee)
Pawani, PT.
Trabocca B.V.

Trade(r) Brokers, Non-Importing Agents

Mass Commodities LLC
Vidya Herbs Inc.

Trade(r) Importers, Importing Agents

American Coffee Corp.
Armenia Coffee Corp.
Atlantic (USA), LLC
Coffee America (USA) Corp.
Douek (N.J.)
Excelco Trading L.P.
Federación Nacional de Cafeteros de Colombia (FNC)
Keffa Coffee
Louis Dreyfus Company
Mitsui & Co. Coffee Trading (USA), Inc.
Neumann Kaffee Gruppe (NKG)
Olam Food Ingredients (ofi)
Paragon Coffee Trading Co., L.P.
RGC Coffee Inc.
Sucafina NA, Inc.
Volcafe USA
Walker Coffee Trading
Westfeldt Brothers, Inc.


General Coffee Process LLC
Ground Up Coffee & Tea
Incasa Coffee DBA Incasa Instant Coffees
Liason International
Shamrock Foods Company
Spire Tea Inc.

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