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Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report Ignores Evidence of Coffee’s Health Benefits    

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11 August 2020 | NEW YORK - The National Coffee Association today submitted comments to the U.S. Departments of Agriculture (USDA) and Health and Human Services (HHS) warning that the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee (DGAC) report ignores the preponderance of evidence about coffee’s unique health benefits.

NCA President and CEO William “Bill” Murray commented:

“Independent scientific evidence has repeatedly shown that drinking coffee is associated with reduced risk of heart disease, obesity, and multiple cancers.  Ignoring this preponderance of evidence, the DGAC has wrongly chosen to treat coffee as nothing more than a ‘sugar-sweetened beverage,’ despite the fact that half of American coffee drinkers don’t even add sweetener to their favorite brew.

Regardless, the evidence that drinking coffee is associated with significant health benefits does not depend on how coffee is prepared.  Coffee drinkers live longer, healthier lives.  Period.”         

NCA’s comment requested that USDA and HHS ensure the 2020 DGA recognizes the preponderance of evidence and retains the 2015 DGA conclusion that coffee can be part of healthy diets.  See NCA’s comments here and read NCA’s testimony to the DGAC here.


Media inquiries: 212-766-4007 / media@ncausa.org

About the National Coffee Association
The National Coffee Association of U.S.A., Inc. (NCA), established in 1911, is the leading trade organization for the coffee industry in the United States. The NCA is the only trade association that serves all segments of the U.S. coffee industry, including traditional and specialty companies. A majority of NCA membership, which accounts for over 90% of U.S. coffee commerce, comprises small and mid-sized companies and includes growers, roasters, retailers, importer/exporters, wholesaler/suppliers, and allied industry businesses. Please visit ncausa.org to learn more.

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