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Ellen Jordan to be Honored with the 2021 National Coffee Association Volunteer of the Year Award

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NEW YORK | FEB 25, 2021 – The National Coffee Association (NCA) is proud to name Ellen Jordan of Global Grounds, LLC as the recipient of the 2021 National Coffee Association Volunteer of the Year Award in recognition of her decades of work as an advisor, advocate, and champion for our industry; for her tireless work on the NCA Science Leadership Council, where she is the longest-standing member; and for her dedication to mentoring and elevating young women in coffee.

In addition to her essential role on the Science Leadership Council, Ms. Jordan serves on the board of directors of the Institute for Food Safety and Health (IFSH) and formerly served as chair of the Coffee Quality Institute (CQI). She has also served as a director of the Specialty Coffee Association of America, where her work was recognized with the SCAA’s Outstanding Contribution to the Industry Award.

NCA President and CEO William “Bill” Murray commented:

“For 40 years, Ellen has brought her quick wit, razor sharp business acumen, and unique supply chain insights to bear in service to coffee. The NCA, Science Leadership Council, and wider coffee community are stronger today because of Ellen’s dedication, leadership, and moral clarity when tackling issues large and small.”

Ms. Jordan commented:

"Coffee is a remarkably vibrant community, fundamentally strengthened by our diversity and adaptability. It’s a tremendous honor to receive this award and to have the privilege of working alongside so many dedicated and passionate people who seek to create a better and stronger future for our coffee community."

The award will be presented virtually at the NCA 2021 Annual Convention on March 3.  Register for the convention here by March 2nd.

About the National Coffee Association Volunteer of the Year Award

The NCA Volunteer of the Year Award recognizes outstanding individuals in the coffee industry who consistently go above and beyond the call of duty in support of coffee and the Association.


For further information, contact media@ncausa.org

About the National Coffee Association

The National Coffee Association of U.S.A., Inc. (NCA), established in 1911, is the leading trade organization for the coffee industry in the United States. The NCA is the only trade association that serves all segments of the U.S. coffee industry, including traditional and specialty companies. A majority of NCA membership, which accounts for over 90% of U.S. coffee commerce, is comprised of small and mid-sized companies and includes growers, roasters, retailers, importer/exporters, wholesaler/suppliers, and allied industry businesses. Visit ncausa.org to learn more.

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