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National Coffee Association to Host 2025 Convention in Houston

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HOUSTON | 24 SEPTEMBER 2024 — Registration is now open for the National Coffee Association’s 2025 Convention, which will take place in Houston, Texas, March 6–8. The Convention is expected to draw over 700 coffee executives and professionals representing roasters, manufacturers, importers, exporters, shippers, nonprofits, and allied businesses.

NCA President and CEO William “Bill” Murray commented:

“As a key port city and gateway for green coffee, Houston is the perfect place to bring together the coffee community— from across the supply chain—for business connections and important conversations on the current state of our industry. Houston is a city with a rich coffee history, and we look forward to meeting there in March.”

The Convention kicks off on Thursday and offers multiple opportunities to connect with industry decision-makers between sessions and at evening receptions. C-suite executives made up 39% of the total attendance at the 2024 NCA Convention. Convention activities will wrap on at midday on Saturday.

The program includes 12 educational sessions on a range of topics, including a coffee logistics panel with speakers representing Port Houston and warehousing and transportation companies.

The NCA’s Coffee Gives Back events will benefit the Houston community. Attendees can participate by volunteering at an offsite “Day of Service” project and contributing to an onsite community support activity.

Keynote speakers will include Cheryl Hung of Dig Insights, who will give a sneak preview of the NCA 2025 National Coffee Data Trends (NCDT), and Scott Clemons of Brown Brothers Harriman, who will present an overview of the U.S. economy and markets in 2025. NCA President and CEO Bill Murray will deliver the State of the Association.

At the awards luncheon, the NCA will recognize the 2025 recipients of the NCA Distinguished Leadership Award, the NCA Volunteer of the Year Award, and the NCA Origin Charity of the Year Award.

Early bird registration rates are available until November 21, 2024.

For more information and to register, visit ncausa.org/convention.


For media inquiries contact: media@ncausa.org 

About the National Coffee Association: The National Coffee Association (NCA), established in 1911, is the United States’ oldest and largest trade organization representing coffee businesses of all types and sizes, including the producers, roasters, brands, and other companies responsible for 90% of U.S. coffee commerce, as well as nonprofit organizations involved in the world of coffee. More American adults drink coffee each day than any other beverage, and coffee supports 2.2 million U.S. jobs—operating in every U.S. state and territory and contributing nearly $350 billion to the U.S. economy every year. For more information, visit ncausa.org or contact coffee@ncausa.org.


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